Choose from a huge variety of features!

ARaction offers different license plans that cover all your needs.

This online product catalogue is made for our business customers. Therefore, all prices are displayed excluding VAT.
Private customers, please contact us for a gross price offer.

ARaction FREE
ARaction BASIC
ARaction PRO




From 34 EUR

single payment

From 30 EUR

per month
(+ 150€ single setup fee)


Perfect to take your first steps with ARaction.

For small presentations without server connection and device synchronization.

For professional presentations with comprehensive server and sync features.

Suitable for presentation space of max.

100 m²

500 m²

up to 2.000 m² and bigger
(for bigger areas, please get in touch)

Max. devices
per account




Max. projects




Virtual markers
included in above price
(can be used in all projects &
on all devices)




Buy additional
virtual markers

8 EUR per marker,
single payment

1 EUR per marker,
per month

Contract period

No minimum term

No minimum term

Min. 12 months

(Automatic extension by another 12 months each if not canceled in writing two months before expiration.)


1 month included
(Updates & support upgrade available for 16 EUR per month)

Remote support

(Feel free to ask our community on

1 month included
via forum and
support email
(Update & support upgrade available for 16 EUR per month)

Priority support
via forum,
support email
& live-chat

BASIC APP features:

3D area scan

Edit mode

Presentation mode

Offline usage

(Devices need to be online once a month to check license)

(Devices need to be online once a month to check license)

Multi-language support

Advanced project settings:

Choose marker display type

(Default: Like positioned in 3D)

Choose tour behavior

(Default: Show all items)

Scan settings

Publish project info
on public list

Coming soon

Coming soon

Make project files
available for download

Coming soon

Presentation reset

Tour guideline

Always on

Marker progress

Always on

Project switch

Marker list

Always on

Back to last marker

Always on

Star bookmark

Object occlusion

Focus tool

Coming soon


Change UI element colors

Logo overlay

ARaction logo overlay

Custom marker (.fbx)

Custom guide arrows (.fbx)

Marker Content Settings:

Set marker visibility





360° Video

Coming soon

3D model

Interactive 3D model


WordPress content

Open events

(Default: Touch marker)

Close events

(Default: Touch X-button
& Second click on marker)

Placement types

Magic line

Coming soon

Coming soon

Create trigger areas

Import marker content

Import ADF file

Sort marker list

Backend features:

ARaction WordPress plugin

Device management

Project sync

Project settings

Marker & content editing

Sort & copy markers

General settings

Language settings

Export & import

Supported WP Themes & Plugins For Content Elements:

Avada theme

WPML (multilingual posts)

Layer slider

eForm: Quiz & forms plugin

Hardware, Accessories & Technical Services:

Tango phones

Buy here

Buy here

Buy here

ARcore phones

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Custom cases, lanyards & headphones

Buy here

Buy here

Buy here

Custom charging solutions

Book here

VR Case &
mixed reality glasses

Buy here

Initial on-site setup service
for ARaction PRO

Book here

ADF scan service

Book here

Server & backend services

Book here

On-site support upgrade for ARaction PRO

Book here

Screen lockdown &
security features

Basic lockdown via screen pinning feature.

Basic lockdown via screen pinning feature.

Basic lockdown via screen pinning feature.
Book advanced lockdown and security features here.

Theft protection features

Book here

Outdoor mode
(with GPS support)

Book here

Mode for blind and visually impaired people

Book here

Features for
hearing impaired people

Book here

Features for
wheelchair users

Book here

Concept, content, customization and design services:

Project management &
concept workshops

 Book here  Book here

Book here

Custom content templates (design & development)

Book here

Editorial work & text editing

Book here

Vocal recordings &
audio effects
(concept & production)

Book here

Graphics & images
(concept & design)

Book here

Animations & videos
(concept & production)

Book here

360° images & videos
(concept & production)

Book here

3D content elements
(concept & production)

Book here

Special custom development

Book here

Contribution to
digital sustainability

Book here

Book here

Book here